Seminar Climate change and governance: General trends and African countries
Organización: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Red Jean Monnet AMENET (Africa-Mediterráneo-Europa Network)
Fecha de celebración: 28-04-2021 / 09:00h
AMENET Jean Monnet Network organises, in collaboration with the Department of Economics and the Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Development of the University of Ghana, (Legon, Accra), this two-day seminar entitled “Climate change and governance: General trends and African countries”.
The attendants come from the Universities members of AMENET Network. Students and researchers from other institutions are welcome.
Lecturers belong to the University of Ghana, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, University of Peloponnese, University of Bradford (all of them AMENET members), and other International Organizations specialized in climate change issues.
The session will be broadcast through the Zoom platform.