Adoption of the new Guiding Principles on Managing for Sustainable Development Results

On 12 July 2019 the OECD Development Assistance Committee officially adopted the Guiding Principles on Managing for Sustainable Development Results.
The DAC expressed very broad support for the Guiding Principles, and praised the inclusive process followed by the Results Community in developing the guiding principles.

The Guiding Principles will help to drive our development co-operation efforts towards better results in support of sustainable development. The Secretariat team will now prepare tools to help operationalise them and facilitate their implementation.

We would like to thank the OECD/DAC Results Community and the Secretariat for the good work done in preparing these Guiding Principles, including the open web-based consultation conducted in May. This has allowed a smooth process in getting the principles approved by the DAC. Thank you to all that participated in the open consultation!